Thursday, June 17, 2010

Have you ever been to Ca Mau? ... probably not...

We had such a busy day today! Four providers, four pharmacy students, many nurses and a few other students saw 113 patients in six hours. Our numbers keep moving up as we continue to make our place in the community.

On first arrival to the clinic, we were greeted by all of our daily patients (ie- old people lined up to get their blood pressures taken) and a young man who had been in a motor scooter accident. Katie, Jacob, Kim and myself (Lauren) were all able to tend to his many wounds covering various areas of his body. When I asked where he would have gone if we were not there, he did the polite smile and asked a diverting question. To me, I took this as if he would not have had any type of medical attention. I believe he would have been "okay" but this "road rash" needed some proper cleaning with hydrogen peroxide and Neosporin.

Other patients we saw were also interesting but to prevent any alarm we will let each person tell these stories when they get home...

After being in the clinic a few days, we have began to develop relationships with the children in the area. Today's adventure included our daily "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"and counting to five in English taught by myself (Vian) and Gayle on previous days. However as the day went on, the children seemed to really "stick-er" around... Stephanie was able to take this time and give all of the children (and a few adults) cheek cheers (ie- stickers). They loved this! But what they really enjoyed was going outside of the clinic and blowing bubbles! She did a great job of entertaining her "paparazzi."

From our hotel, we take 3 vehicles to clinic. One is a Land Rover where three adults sit on two seats in the back row. I (Lauren) have luckily had this experience everyday. During our 30 minute ride, we go about 50 mph down a "no-lane" road dodging pot-holes, people, mopeds, bicycles and anything that may wander into the road. We also travel down a "no-lane" dirt road that is very bumpy and composed of at least 10 bridges allowing space for ONE car...unfortunately moped drivers have not realized this. Another vehicle we take is a van...boring. The third vehicle is an old ambulance. However, it does not house a gurney or even medical supplies; instead it carries a leather love seat and an oxygen tank. Alex, Sarah, Shane and myslef (Vian) all have the pleasure of riding on it (yes four people, one love seat). And, if we forgot to mention before, every time we pass (ie-dodge) something we have to honk. Luckily in the ambulance we get to flash the lights and blare the siren. Good times had every day...

Finally, this post would not be complete without commenting on our new "pet:" the screeching cat that roams the hotel. He perches on our pseudo-windows and calls for his long lost girlfriend. Unfortunately for him, and us, she has not returned home. Maybe tonight we will all be so lucky for her to get here or him to leave...

Almost daily, we have meetings with our entire medical team. Tonight's food for thought included us identifying where we are in our lives and how this trip has impacted us. For some, this week has solidified our career decisions but for others our career paths may change (sorry, mom).

We have definitely learned a lot and are eager to share more when we get home. Tomorrow is the last day of clinics. We plan to see, treat and care for about 100 people. Check back then!

Written by: Lauren Riley and Vian Nguyen, Doctor of Pharmacy Candidates 2011

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